Galerie photo familiale

Famille FEURER
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Kubler René (né en 1923)
Keywords: Kubler

Kubler René (né en 1923)

gasser_emile_02-06-1899.jpg koebele_louis_27-04-1883.jpg kubler_rene_13-09-1923.jpg meder_barbe_29-03-1840.jpg schmitt_alice_19-09-1923.jpg
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File information
Album name:dany / Portraits
Rating (1 votes):11111(Show details)
Filesize:164 KiB
Date added:Mar 23, 2008
Dimensions:545 x 768 pixels
Displayed:668 times
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Y Resolution:150 dots per ResolutionUnit
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