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Kautzmann Marie-Barbe & Fuchs Georges
Mariage le 27 mai 1938 à Forstheim
Keywords: Kautzmann Fuchs

Kautzmann Marie-Barbe & Fuchs Georges

Mariage le 27 mai 1938 à Forstheim

kautzmann_elise_kempf_joseph__09-11-1925.jpg kautzmann_ernestine_muckensturm_alphonse_13-04-1925.jpg kautzmann_marie-barbe_fuchs_georges_27-05-1938.jpg kautzmann_philomene_anweiler_joseph_29-09-1925.jpg neunreiter_anne_marie_strebler_joseph_01-08-1910.jpg
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File information
Album name:dany / Photos de mariages
Rating (2 votes):00000(Show details)
Keywords:Kautzmann / Fuchs
Filesize:147 KiB
Date added:Jan 01, 2008
Dimensions:1024 x 696 pixels
Displayed:723 times
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Y Resolution:150 dots per ResolutionUnit
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